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The Versatile Uses of Mustard Oil: An Ultimate Guide

Uses Of Mustard Oil

For thousands of years, the seeds of the mustard plant have been extracted to obtain the mustering oil in South Asian realms and have been an undisputed gift to the people due to its wide range of benefits. As a staple part of traditional kitchens, it plays a highly significant role in homely remedies as well as skincare, thus making it one of the most versatile natural oils available.

Let’s consider various uses of mustard oil along with their applications in food, tips to buy mustard oil online, as well as medical and cosmetic usage.

1. Uses Of Mustard Oil For Cooking

Mustard oil is mainly consumed in the form of a cooking medium in countries like India, Bangladesh, and Nepal. It’s strong flavor enhances the food and is used as the basic oil for fried items, cooked dishes, or salads. Other common uses of mustard oil include:

  • Frying and Sautéing: In frying and deep frying, mustard oil is more often preferred because of its higher smoking point of about 250 °C or 482°F. Mustard oil differs from other oils in that the Indians, especially the Bengali community, use it even in desserts where its strong flavor fusion can be overpowering, such as in pakoras (fritters), samosas, and fish dishes.
  • Pickling: Mustard oil is also used in pickling Added to the mustard oil is also very effective in the conservation of certain items as it has many mustard oil benefits. Pickling ingredients such as vegetable and fruit increases their life span both physically and taste wise. This also originates from the fact that oil is essential in making successful preservation of the pickles.
  • Salad Dressing: In some regions, this oil is also a base for salad except for this there is also lemon juice salt herbs etc. It doesn’t matter how simple it is, it can easily be made delicious with its own sharpness.
  • Marinating: The oil is usually used in meat or fish marinades when marinating to add taste but also tenderize the protein being marinated with a strong acidic and spicy scent.

Health Benefits Of Mustard Oil In Cooking

Besides its pungent flavor, mustard oil is a good reservoir of monounsaturated fats, omega-3 fatty acids, and antioxidants. These elements contribute to better heart health, reduction of inflammation, and improvement in cholesterol levels when taken in moderation. Glucosinolates present in the oil are also alleged to have anti-carcinogenic properties.

2. Medicinal Uses of Mustard Oil

Over the years, this oil finds its application to a greater extent in such systems of traditional medicine as Ayurveda and Unani. Furthermore, there is something like a mustard oil diet for proper health management, which means it usually finds application as a herbal treatment.

  • Arthritis and Body pain relief: Because of its heating effect, mustard oil is a good reliever for sore and hard muscles as well as inflamed and painful joints. The patients with arthritis are always advised to get themselves massaged with mustard oil as it helps in improving the circulation thereby reducing swelling.
  • Treatment for coughs and colds: Mustard oil may be used in a steam treatment method in a cold or cough when minute particles obstruct airways causing discomfort. The heat effects of the saturated oil helps in draining the head as it clears the nasal congestion and alleviates the feeling of chest congestion. It is effective when added to a mixture made from garlic and umboi or ajwain.
  • Enhancing Immunity: Since mustard oil contains high amounts of omega 3 fatty acids, antioxidants, minerals like selenium and others it can prove helpful in increasing the level of body immunity in the user as the concentration of this oil is considered to be good for enhancing the body’s protection against diseases and infections.
  • Digestive Well-being: Mustard oil works to improve the actions of digestive secretions. Also, it helps to avoid constipation as it works like a mild laxative, improving bowel movements.
  • Treating skin infections and pruritic issues: Mustard oil has antifungal properties and is an antioxidant. It can speed the healing process of erythema, skin infections and cuts. Further, seeing daikon oil on the scalp treats dandruffs caused by fungal infestation.

3. Uses Of Mustard Oil In Cosmetic and Skincare

The extent of the capability of mustard oil is not limited to being a star in culinary and medicinal traditions. It is very remarkable to possess cosmetic merits. Its nourishing properties make it a common feature in the hair and skincare regime.

  • Moisturizing Skin: Mustard oil is a great natural moisturizer for the skin. Its thickness gives deep hydration, which has proven to be good for dry or flaky skin. It can be applied to the skin directly or mixed with coconut or olive oil for enhanced effects. In winters, it is applied as a cure which protects the skin from strong cold winds.
  • Sun Protection: Miraculously, mustard oil contains a natural SPF value around 2-3, which would act as a minor barrier against the damaging UV radiation of the sun. Though it cannot replace commercial sunscreens, applying it before going out in the sun may offer additional protection from the damage caused by the sun.
  • Anti-Ageing Property: It also has antioxidant properties, just like vitamin E, through which the possibilities of premature aging are avoided. Application of mustard oil on a daily basis reduces all the folds and lines that begin to show early signs of aging on the skin because it keeps the skin tight and flexible.
  • Hair Care: It is used as treatment for many causes of hair disorders like hair fall, dandruff, and split ends. As it contains essential fatty acids and multiple vitamins, the mustard oil conditions the scalp and encourages hair growth. Massaging it on the scalp daily strengthens the roots, increases blood circulation, and prevents further falling.
  • Treating Acne and Scars: It has bacteriostatic property, through which it fights against the bacteria that cause acne. Mustard oil can be applied locally to generate skin rejuvenation, thereby reducing the impacts of acne scars and marks.

4. Other Traditional Uses of Mustard Oil

  • Massaging Newborn Babies: In South Asia, traditional Uses of Mustard Oil had been reported for massaging newborn babies, which was believed to increase the muscle and bone strength of the baby. There are many benefits of mustard oil for body massage. However, it is pertinent that pure and good quality oil be applied to the tender skin of the baby. 
  • Oil Pulling: It is sometimes used in oil pulling, in which oil swished throughout the mouth, promoting oral hygiene. According to Ayurvedic traditional practices, it is used to remove bad toxins and kill bacteria in the body.
  • Insect Repellent: Due to the pungent smell of mustard oil, it has always been an antidote for insect repellent. It is applied locally on the skin in rural parts to save men from mosquitoes and all other creepy crawlies. It is sprayed on the coat of animals like cows and horses, and those pesky flies and ticks keep their distance.

Precautions and Considerations

Although there are various benefits and mustard oil uses, the utmost care needs to be taken before using it. Some studies have brought the fact to light that erucic acid within mustard oil is damaging in large quantities. So, it is better to take a little of this mustard oil and ensure that you use the right kind of food-grade mustard oil intended for cooking.

Mustard oil can also cause irritation on the skin to some people. Therefore, when using this oil for the first time or having sensitive skin, it is advisable to apply it to a small portion of the skin before use on the larger parts of the skin or scalp.


Mustard oil is a panacea ingredient in various applications, ranging from cooking to skincare and traditional medicine. Its health benefits assorted with culinary utility create mustard oil to be useful and valuable. Whether you are looking for improving diet, your skincare routine, or exploring natural remedies to treat common ailments, mustard oil is worth adding to your lifestyle. Just don’t forget to use it with prudence and control so that its benefits can be enjoyed in full. You can buy mustard oil online at Sonali oil. Renowned for quality and authentic flavor, Sonali Oil offer high-quality mustard oil. At Sonali Oil, you can bring the taste of genuine mustard oil right into your home kitchen.